December 23, 2021 (Updated)
Before Attending
- We are currently limited to 100 attendees under the advisement of the current Manitoba Health recommendations. Please call the church at 204-632-1788 or email to indicate your intention to join service that week
- NEW – Proof of Vaccination is now required in order to attend in-person service. Please come with your Vaccination Card and ID so that we can verify and validate on our contact tracing records. This change comes at the announcement of Manitoba Health shared on Friday, December 17, 2021.
- Please self-examine for symptoms of illness. If you are feeling sick, please stay home.
- The Coffee Bar will be closed for the foreseeable future. If you’d like to bring your own beverage (water bottle, coffee, tea, etc.) you are welcome to do so.
When to Arrive
- Please do not arrive before 10:00am on Sunday
- Please remain either in the parking lot or vehicle, and practice social distancing recommendations of 2 Meters / 6 Feet apart from others
Entering the Building
- Greeters will open the front door at 10:00am and begin inviting people into the building in an orderly fashion
- Your attendance will be taken so that the Church can provide Manitoba Health with contact point tracking should it be required
- Please use the provided hand sanitizer when prompted
- You will be asked if you intend to sing during worship, as masks will be required for singing. If you did not bring a mask, one will be offered upon entry.
- You will be offered a Bulletin if you prefer a hard copy over the emailed version sent out each week
- Directions will be provided to follow the hallway to the right, past the washrooms, around to the rear entrance of the sanctuary
Seating Arrangements
- You will be greeted by Ushers who will help identify seating for you
- Please identify if you are attending by yourself, or with family or close friends you are willing to sit next to
- Seating will be spaced appropriately to encourage social distancing
- We ask that you limit your movements in the sanctuary to ensure everyone’s personal space is respected
Washroom Access
- Please be respectful to everyone and limit up to 2 people in the washrooms at all times
- If the washroom already has 2 people, kindly wait in the lobby until a person leaves to allow your entrance
- Please ensure that you wash your hands with soap, and use the available hand sanitizer in the lobby when returning to the sanctuary
What to Expect During Service
- Service will commence at 10:30am
- Our service will continue to be live-streamed/broadcast
- You will see a camera pointed towards the stage that will broadcast Service to the Facebook page
- The recording will become active at 10:30am for the start of Service, and will stop when Service has concluded.
- Microphones on stage will be active during the worship music playing, and will be turned off when music is done
- The Pastor’s microphone will be active while the Message is being delivered. While it is focused on the Pastor, there are chances of surrounding sounds being picked up by the microphone and broadcast during the recording.
- The structure of the service will continue as follows:
- Open remarks from the Pastor
- Worship Music/Singing
- Message from the Pastor
- Closing Worship Song
- Closing remarks from the Pastor
- Options for Children
- The nursery is currently unavailable
- Children’s Sunday School has returned and a short kid-focused learning time will be offered during the delivery of the message. Kids will be directed to move to the large classroom upon conclusion of the open Worship Music time
- Tithing opportunities are available with the following options:
- Digital Tithing through the service via the Garden Park website
- In-person giving is available in the following options:
- One basket available upon entrance to the Sanctuary
- One basket available in the lobby upon exit of the Sanctuary
Exiting the Building
- When Service has concluded, please be prepared to exit the Sanctuary through the Lobby doors, out through the front doors.
- Please try not to linger in the Sanctuary or lobby area, and continue to observe Social Distancing of 2 Meters / 6 Feet at all times.
If you wish to socialize with anyone, it is encouraged to do so outside where gathering options are more open