Garden Park Goes Digital with Online Giving Options!

Garden Park Baptist Church is pleased to continue working towards offering our members and visitors a modern Church experience. It is our pleasure to share with you that we have signed up to use the Online Giving Service

With this service we are able to offer you options to tithe or present your offerings and givings by simply clicking on the GIVING menu link from the top our website page. This link will take you to a secure online giving form where you may send the amount you’d like to provide, safely and securely using the payment options offered.

For those who’d prefer having an app on your Android of iOS device, you can download the app on your devices App Store. By using the app you will be asked to create a new account. This account will allow you to associate your giving options by searching for Garden Park Baptist Church and clicking on the Give Now button. You may use the app to setup one-time giving options, or if you’d prefer, there is a reoccurring giving option if you’d simply like to set it and forget it. The option is yours.

Please note, online giving services like these do cost money for the added convenience. For this, the service offers you the option to cover the transaction fees for your giving, which allows you to know that your fully desired giving amount is received to the Church.

As always, if you should have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the Church for more information.

1825 Inkster Blvd, Winnipeg, MB, R2X 1R3
Coffee: Sun @ 10:00am Worship: Sun @ 10:30am